FALL 2020

ENC 4218: Visual Technical Communication

"This course focuses on visual technical communication in the form of charts, tables, and diagrams, as well as full-page informational graphics that blend text and visuals to tell data-based stories. We will focus on visual design principles and practice using tools to produce graphics. We will begin with an introduction to graphic design and practice producing effective graphics that complement the text elements of documents. We will then study persuasive aspects of visual design and learn to develop information graphics that inform or persuade audiences about technical or scientific topics. The course concludes with a project in which you will plan, research, and create a full-page informational graphic on a technical or scientific topic."

In this course we had assignments to create visual graphics using PowerPoint (a product most students could use) to create posters/designs that could convey information on a selected topic.

All the assignments required the usage of data/statistics and using graphic design/data visualization to transform information into something visually engaging to readers.

Project 1

We were assigned to use data entry points to write about a topic from UCF's iNaturalist page. Grasshoppers were my choice.

Project 1 Grasshoppers
Project 1 Grasshoppers

Project 2

We were assigned to use information from a government website in relation to Florida to write about a topic and to visualize it in a unique way. I wrote about incarceration in Florida.

Project 2 Incarceration in Florida
Project 2 Incarceration in Florida

Project 3 / Final

We were assigned to write a topic that we personally care about and to utilize all the prior knowledge we learned throughout the course. I wrote about Florida's Free / Reduced Lunch programs.

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Project 3 Florida's Free / Reduced Lunch programs Page 1
Project 3 Florida's Free / Reduced Lunch programs Page 1

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Project 3 Florida's Free / Reduced Lunch programs Page 2
Project 3 Florida's Free / Reduced Lunch programs Page 2